Q.1 – What is Digital Art?
Ans.1 - Digital art is art which is created using technology such as mobile , computer. For Example Digital drawing is drawing on computer software instead of pencil and paper.
Q.2 – What is Inkscape?
Ans.2 – Inkscape is a computer software foe simple drawing and painting. It is available free of cost on internet. Inkscape is used to make vector images and edit images. For Example – shapes ( rectangle, square , circle , line) , logos , diagrams etc.
Q.3- What are two types of images?
Ans. 3 – Two types of images are –
a) Bitmap images
b) Vector images
Q.4 – Write difference between bitmap image and Vector images.
Ans 4 – Bitmap images are the images we click using digital camera. They get blur while increasing the size of image.
Vector image are high quality image . They remains same as the original image while increasing or decreasing the size of image.
Q.5 – What are main parts of inkscape window /screen and draw windoe of inkscape ?
Ans 5 – Main parts of Inkscape window or screen are-
- a. Canvas
- b. Page
- c. Color palette
- d. Rulers
- e. Scrollbars
- f. Toolbox
Diagram of inkscape window is -
Q. 6 – Write names of main tools present in Toolbox of Inkscape?
Ans . 6- Main Tools are-
a. Select tool
b. Zoom tool
c. Rectangle tool
d. Circle tool
e. Stars and Polygon tool
f. Pencil /Freehand tool
g. Eraser tool
h. Fill tool
Q.7 – Write use of Select tool of Inkscape?
Ans 7 -
Q.8 – Write use of Zoom tool of inkscape?
Ans 8-
Q. 9- Write use of Rectangle tool of inkscape?
Ans 9 -
Q.10- Write use of Circle tool of inkscape?
Ans 10-
Q.11 - Write use of Stars and Polygon tool of inkscape?
Ans.11 -
Q.12 - Write use of Pencil/Freehand tool of inkscape?
Ans 12-
Q. 13 - Write use of Eraser tool of inkscape?
ans 13-
Q.14- Write use of Fill tool of inkscape?
Ans 14 -
Q.15 – Write tools used to edit image in inkscape. Also write shortcut keys for the tools.
Ans. 15 – Various tools used to edit images are –
a. Undo and Redo – shortcut key for Undo is CTRL + Z and shortcut key for Redo is CTRL +Y
b. Copy , paste and Delete – Shortcut key for Copy is CTRL+C , Shortcut key for Paste is CTRL+V , Shortcut key for Cut is CTRL+X
c. Duplicate tool - Shortcut key for Duplicate is CTRL+D
d. Delete Tool - Shortcut key for Delete is Delete key or Backspace key
e. Node Tool - Shortcut key for Node Tool is F2 key.
Q.16 – How to make multiple copies of an image in inkscape?
Ans 16 -